In a nutshell, “Liora & Lu” follows the journey of a twelve-year-old girl, Liora, searching for her missing great-grandmother, Céleste, and a firefly named Lu, whose grandfather disappeared. Lu dreams of becoming a guide for humans, prompting him to accompany Liora.

In brief: Liora discovers a golden coin and a faded photo album belonging to her great-grandmother Céleste on the attic of her parents’ house. The album reveals Céleste’s mysterious disappearance a decade ago, with a photo showing her with a mystical light on her shoulder. Determined to find her great-grandmother, Liora follows the trail into the nearby forest during the traditional Firefly Festival. Lu, one of the fireflies, has always dreamed of becoming a guide for humans. Through the assistance of Liora’s cat, Cassandra, communication is established. Lu promises to lead Liora to her great-grandmother. Unbeknownst to them, their meeting is observed by the “Outcasts,” fragmented souls from Liora’s hometown, united by the villain Sinistro. Sinistro aims to prevent the reunion of Lu and Céleste by any means necessary. While Cassandra creates diversions at Liora’s home, the girl and the firefly set out. However, Liora soon discovers Lu’s deception regarding the great-grandmother’s whereabouts.

The narrative incorporates multiple layers, featuring stories within the main plot, and is presented in a way that allows for a potential sequel without making it obligatory. The conclusion is semi-open, leaving room for a follow-up titled “Liora & Eelis” or “Eelis & …,” where the ellipsis represents another firefly.

The accompanying music, available in both piano and orchestral versions, complements the story, allowing for diverse adaptations such as film, theater, ballet, or puppetry. The orchestral score consists of eight pieces, and the story is designed to stand independently in both book and music form.


read by: Sean Chiplock

(currently only in German)

  • The narrative explores the journey from intellect to heart, echoing the Indian proverb that deems it the longest journey one can undertake. Themes of love, not in a romantic sense but as a universal and divine connection within a family, are central. Lu, symbolizing the light of the soul, gradually shines brighter throughout the adventure. Céleste represents the wisdom gained through life experience, while the “Outcasts” embody fragmented souls from Liora’s hometown.
  • The dichotomy between good and evil is consciously blurred. Sinistro, originally named Ignazio, was once considered good, while Céleste carried some burden, casting her as “the villain.” The intention is to convey that every individual harbors both sides, and development is a matter of choice or a process of purification through love. Sinistro is not defeated but transformed through love back into Ignazio.
  • Liora and Lu, on their journey, learn to embody love. Sinistro, surprising the reader, becomes the narrator of his own redemption story to his cat Apollo.
  • Another motif is the repetition of the story. Liora discovers that Céleste was led to the land of Felidonia by Lu’s grandfather, Aurelio, where she found love. Liora and Lu must now gain wisdom through their own experiences.
  • The story concludes with Liora leading her previously misunderstood autistic brother, Eelis, into the forest to find his own firefly (inner light).
  • Design & Length:
    The manuscript currently consists of 120,000 characters, including spaces (19,000 words). Each chapter ideally features at least one illustration. The envisioned presentation is as a “metalepse,” with the photo album found by Liora forming the cover.
  • Release Date:
    Manuscript submissions are welcome immediately. The narrative of “Liora & Lu” is particularly suitable for the (pre-)Christmas season. 

Here you have the opportunity to read an excerpt from the manuscript or even download it as a PDF…

Prologue "Liora & Lu" by Marc Stollreiter

read by: Sean Chiplock